Sticking to the back like a monkey

Getting on someone’s back in Jiu-jitsu is such a magical moment. Right then, you know you have control. They’re in YOUR world. They have to respond to what you do.

But there are few things worse than getting there only to lose it before you can capitalize on your advantage.

I want to help you address that problem. First though, I’ll share some back control concepts with you.

The Essential Elements of Back Control

We tend to focus too much on the hooks on the back. That’s not the foundation of your control.

In fact, your ability to dominate the position depends on something else. It’s not just one thing though. There are three essential elements of back control:

  • Grip (under an arm and over a shoulder – Backpack/Seatbelt)
  • Angle (angling their body towards your choking hand, the overhook)
  • Connection (connecting your chest to their back)

There’s nothing revolutionary about this concept. It’s quite simple actually, but keep it in mind. It will be helpful when you look at the transition I’m going to show you.

Staying on the Back

All escapes from the back require that you lose at least one element of control.

Your grip must be broken in some fashion. Your opponent must angle away from your choking hand. Or there must be some separation created between your chest and their back. If there is an exception to that rule, I have not found it yet. I sat here and raked my brain. I visualized every escape I know, and in every case the rule held true.

And the most common escape focuses on both angling away and disconnection.

What I’m going to share with you is a simple transition you can use to cripple that escape. You’ll be able to frustrate anyone who tries it and maintain your control. It can also be used to set up submission options.

I learned that transition when I was a blue belt. And I’ve used it so much since then. It’s simple and effective.

Add it to your arsenal.