A taste of my own medicine

More than once in the past, I’ve yapped about how important the cross collar grip is for maintaining control in the omoplata.

(No other grip effortlessly kills almost all escape attempts like it can. It’s straight up ridiculous.)

You know what happened yesterday though?

Yours truly struggle to escape against that same exact cross collar omoplata and failed. I try all kinds of escapes too. Even tried to let him sweep me so that I could fight in the transition.

All no go.

He stuck me like glue.

And not once did I succeed in loosening the omoplata, and he stayed on it all the way til the buzzer sounded.

And you already know why.

It was that dang grip.

It changes everything.

And if you’re not using it, that needs to be rectified with all due haste. Not tomorrow. Not next week. Not next month.


Right now.

The next time you catch an omoplata in the gi, establish that grip, and see how difficult it is for your opponents to escape the grip.

And little things like that make a massive difference.

‘Tis why I focus on such small adjustments and concepts in “micro adjustments”, and just recently a new lesson has been uploaded.

Find it here:

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