One limb to conquer them all and more

Within Jiu-jitsu, one-to-many relationships exist.

They’re specific concepts, movements, and grips that can be applied in more than one situation. And when you start to recognize them, it speeds up your learning process.

Today, I’m going to share three techniques that came from three different sources, but they all have a unifying element.

The grip and how it’s used is absolutely the same.

Limb Control

The concept behind the effectiveness of the techniques is that you’re isolating the arm and exerting pressure on the shoulder. The pressure is enough to limit mobility, and you use it to encourage your opponent to move as you wish.

It’s very similar to a kimura.

The difference, other than the specifics of the grip, is that the submission cannot be finished because there is a clear path out of it. That path leads exactly where you want them to go though.

It’s a trap.